Support groups and workshops

Support groups and workshops are an important resource for people to get information, connection, validation and emotional support from others going through similar experiences. These groups can promote healing, resilience and provide a sense of hope.

We offer a range of support groups and workshops for children, parents and adults, please view the flyer for each group for more information on the sessions, costs, dates and times. Contact us to sign up for any of our upcoming groups or to register your interest for future groups.

Parent and Child Workshop: Internet Safety

Do your children ignore your concerns about the dangers of the internet? Do you worry that policing their internet use could create conflict? Join us on 10 June 2024 for an engaging, interactive two-hour workshop focused on promoting open dialogue between parents and children about internet safety. Learn practical strategies for managing online risks, protecting personal information, and creating healthy digital habits.

Parent and Child Group: Life Skills Workshops

Join one or all four of our workshops and learn vital life skills that they don’t teach in school. Facilitated by two of our qualified staff members, workshops last three hours and include activities, discussions, and reflection time. Each workshop group will include four to six children, ages 9 to 11, and one accompanying parent per child. Connect, grow and have fun together!

Parenting Group: Raising an Emotionally Secure Child

Join our 6-week Circle of Security Parenting Group (COS-P), designed to enhance the bond and sense of security between parents and children. The COS- program is a group-based weekly meeting with other parents. It provides parents with a road map to better understand their child's behaviour, and support their needs. COS-P offers a safe environment for parents to identify their parenting strengths and weaknesses and benefit from sharing with other parents in the group.

Expanding Your Child's Emotional intelligence

Join our group for children aged 6 – 10 years old. Your child will learn how to recognise and manage their emotions.

Parenting Group: Connect with your Teenager

Teenagerhood can be a challenging time for parents with their teenager’s anger outbursts, changes in personality, or challenging previously set rules. We have found that when the relationship between parents and their teenager improves, they become more receptive to your influence. Come join us for a group meeting with other parents as we share our findings and support each other.

Pet Loss Support Group

We know that losing a beloved pet is like losing a family member. To help people get through this difficult time we are running a weekly pet loss support group on Saturdays from 2pm to 3pm. We aim to provide psychological and mental health support and offer a safe space for people to grieve and be there for each other. 

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